Monday, November 28, 2005


A review of "The Boy Who Was Born Wrapped in Barbed Wire" (link to the story on the sidebar) has been posted at Tangent. I like the review a whole lot, as the reviewer, E. Katerina Sedia, read the story in a way that makes me think the story is doing much of what I want it to do. I hope it read that well for everyone who gave it (or gives it) a go.


Blogger Nathan said...

A good review of a beautiful story. It's a pleasure to read a thoughtful review of your own work, isn't it? I remember reading a review of my story "S.S.", in which the reviewer described two black cooks as "gangbangers," without anything in the story to support such a notion. It cast a pall over my day.

1:39 AM  
Blogger Christopher Barzak said...

Hey, Nathan, thanks for dropping by! And yes, it's always nice to read a thoughtful review of my own work, rather than getting the plot summaries or the completely off the wall comments, like the one about the two black cooks in your story, "S.S." which I read in TTA and loved, and those cooks didn't seem like gangbangers in the slightest to me. I rarely read reviews now because of stuff like this. Hope you enjoy the Park novel as much as I did, too.

3:18 AM  

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