Monday, August 14, 2006

Back in Business

Well, things are starting to get back into order a bit. I just got reconnected to the internet in my apartment today, and everything but the platform bed I ordered for my futon has been moved into the new place. The platform should arrive today as well, so soon the move shall finally be declared over. The one unfortunate thing about this move is that it coincided with Diversicon, so instead of riding up to Minneapolis with Gavin and Kelly, I was moving furniture and putting pots and pans into my new cupboards.

Last Friday, turned in my second novel, The Love We Share Without Knowing, to my agent. Now I've begun to gather a short story collection together, tentatively titling it, Everything You Need. After I've finished with that, it'll be time for university courses to start up, so I'll be busy on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays teaching in the afternoons, but I'll have lots of time to begin writing something new. I'm still up in the air about what to work on next. This summer has been all about revising novels and stories for the collection. I have several novel ideas I could choose from for the next project, or I could begin writing a memoir of my time spent living and teaching in Japan. I think I'll wait till after I'm done with all the revising of things before I commit myself to whatever I move on to next. Something, perhaps none of the ideas I already have, will eventually assert itself as the next thing. It always does.

I'm catching up finally on emails also, so if I owe anyone a reply, it will be coming soon, I assure you.


Blogger Christopher Barzak said...

Thanks, Karen. It's indeed good mostly good stuff occurring on all fronts!

11:19 PM  
Blogger elad said...

Congrats dude on completing another novel! Great title, too, very memorable. I can't wait to read it.

Glad everything is going well. We shall catch up soon. :)

3:26 PM  

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